Bannière EUR DS4H - Digital Systems for Humans EUR DS4H - Digital Systems for Humans


Digital Systems for Humans (DS4H) est l'une des huit écoles universitaires de recherche thématiques d'Université Côte d'Azur. Elle s'intéresse aux aspects scientifiques, technologiques et humains de la digitalisation de la société. Sur le volet pédagogique, DS4H propose 5 masters "coeur" (majeures) en Informatique, Electronique, MIAGE, Droit du numérique et Stratégie digitale-Management du numérique et de l'innovation. Elle délivre des doctorats avec les écoles doctorales STIC,  DESPEG et SHAL. Sur le volet scientifique, DS4H mène un programme de recherche pluridisciplinaire impliquant 13 laboratoires dans les domaines du numérique et des sciences sociales.

Forum Numerica - Katia Obraczka: "From Sensor Networks to the Internet of Everything in the Age of Edge Intelligence"

15 novembre 2022
Durée : 01:05:19
Nombre de vues 36
Nombre d’ajouts dans une liste de lecture 0
Nombre de favoris 0

A Forum Numerica seminar
by Pr Katia Obraczka (UC Santa Cruz, USA)


In this talk, I will describe some of our current research motivated by the challenges posed by the Internet of Everything (IoE). These projects include the design, implementation, evaluation and real-world validation of IoE systems focusing on a variety of applications such as connected health, wildfire monitoring and risk assessment, sustainable agriculture, and connected vehicles.

Speaker's bio

Katia Obraczka is Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and Undergraduate Director at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, UC Santa Cruz where she leads the Internetworking Research Group (i-NRG). Her research is inspired by the "internets of the future" with a focus on tackling pressing societal problems. She obtained her PhD in Computer Science from University of Southern California, and a M.S. in Computer Science from the same University and an M.S. in Computer Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Before joining UCSC, she was a research Scientist at USC's Information Sciences Institute (ISI) and had a joint appointment at USC's Computer Science Department. Katia Obraczka has been a PI and a co-PI in a number of projects sponsored by government agencies (e.g., NSF, DARPA, NASA, ARO, DoE, AFOSR) as well as industry (e.g., Cisco, Google, Nokia). In 2014 she became Fellow of the IEEE for contributions to energy-efficient protocols and routing in wireless networks.

FORUM NUMERICA is sponsored by the Academy of Excellence “Networks, Information and Digital Society” of UCAJEDI
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Mots clés : ds4h forum numerica internet iot networks



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