Accessibility: Partially compliant
Accessibility statement
The Esup consortium is committed to making the Esup-Pod tool accessible.
This accessibility statement applies to version 3.4.0 of Esup-Pod.
The state of conformity only concerns the bare Esup-Pod software, and does not take into account any customizations or content posted by users.
Compliance status
The Esup-Pod software is partially compliant with the general repository of improved accessibility (RGAA), version 4.1.2, due to the non-conformities listed below.
Test results
The compliance audit carried out by Koena reveals that:
- 60% of the RGAA criteria are respected.
This is the number of criteria fully respected on all the pages in the sample. - The average compliance rate for the online service is 71%.
This is the average of the compliance score obtained on each of the pages in the sample. - See the version 3.4.0 audit grid (PDF file).
Non-accessible content
We list all the non-compliant criteria below. For details, refer to the audit grid.
- 1.5 For each image used as a CAPTCHA, is an alternative access solution to the content or function of the CAPTCHA present?
- 2.2 For each framework with a framework title, is this framework title relevant?
- 4.1 Does each pre-recorded time-based media have, if necessary, a textual transcription or audio description (except in special cases)?
- 4.13 Is each temporal and non-temporal media compatible with assistive technologies (except in special cases)?
- 6.1 Is each link explicit (except in special cases)?
- 6.2 On each web page, does each link have a title?
- 7.1 Is each script, if necessary, compatible with assistive technologies?
- 7.3 Is each script controllable by the keyboard and by any pointing device (except in special cases)?
- 7.4 For each script that initiates a context switch, is the user notified or has control over it?
- 8.2 For each web page, is the generated source code valid according to the specified document type?
- 8.7 In each web page, is each language change indicated in the source code (except in special cases)?
- 8.9 In each web page, tags must not be used solely for presentation purposes. Is this rule respected?
- 9.3 In each web page, is each list correctly structured?
- 10.1 On the website, are style sheets used to control the presentation of information?
- 10.2 In each web page, does visible content remain present when style sheets are deactivated?
- 10.7 In each web page, for each element receiving focus, is the focus visible?
- 10.13 In each web page, can the additional content appearing when focusing or hovering over an interface component be controlled by the user (except in special cases)?
- 11.1 Does each form field have a label?
- 11.4 In each form, are each field label and its associated field next to each other (except in special cases)?
- 11.5 In each form, are fields of the same nature grouped together, if necessary?
- 11.10 In each form, is the input control used in a relevant manner (except in special cases)?
- 11.11 In each form, is the input check accompanied, if necessary, by suggestions to facilitate the correction of input errors?
- 12.1 Does each set of pages have at least two different navigation systems (excluding special cases)?
- 12.6 Can content grouping areas found on multiple web pages (header, main navigation, main content, footer and search engine areas) be reached or avoided?< /li>
- 12.7 In each web page, is an avoidance or quick access link to the main content area present (except in special cases)?
- 12.8 Is the tab order consistent on each web page?
- 13.3 On each web page, does each downloadable office document have, if necessary, an accessible version (except in special cases)?
Establishment of this accessibility declaration
This declaration was made on 06/14/2023. It was updated on 09/22/2023.
User agents, assistive technologies and tools used to verify accessibility
Testing of the web pages was carried out with the following combinations of web browsers and screen readers:
User Agent | Assistive technology |
Firefox 117.0 | NVDA 2023.1 |
Firefox 117.0 | JAWS 2022.2211.7 |
Safari 16.3 | VoiceOver |
Tools used
The following tools were used during the evaluation:
- RGAA extension published by DINUM for Firefox
- Browser Code Inspector (Firefox)
- Contrast-Finder and Color Contrast Analyzer to test color contrasts.
- W3C Validator:
- HeadingsMap extension for Firefox, to visualize the structuring by headings.
- Web Developer Browser Extension by Chris Pederick
- ARCtoolkit on Chrome for many criteria
- PDF accessibility | PDF Accessibility Checker (PAC 2021)
Functions of the software subject to the conformity check
Structured sample
- Not connected:
- Home page
→ / - Contact
→ /contact_us/ - Legal notices
→ /legal_notice/ - List all videos
→ /videos/ - Viewing a video
- Displaying a channel
- Search results
→ /search/?q=/ - Accessibility statement
→ /accessibility/
- Home page
- Connected:
- Viewing a video
- Adding a video
→ /video/add/ - Edit a video
- Edit a channel
- Adding complement to a video
- Chapter a video
- Delete a video
- Add a meeting
→ /meeting/add/ - My meetings
→ /meeting/ - My meetings / recording
Random sample
In accordance with the RGAA: “pages selected at random representing at least 10% of the pages in the sample described above are added.”
- Add a playlist
→ /playlist/edit/ - Trim a video
Feedback and contact
If you are unable to access any content or service, you can contact the person responsible for UniCApod to be directed to an accessible alternative or obtain the content in another form.