Bannière EUR DS4H - Digital Systems for Humans EUR DS4H - Digital Systems for Humans


Digital Systems for Humans (DS4H) est l'une des huit écoles universitaires de recherche thématiques d'Université Côte d'Azur. Elle s'intéresse aux aspects scientifiques, technologiques et humains de la digitalisation de la société. Sur le volet pédagogique, DS4H propose 5 masters "coeur" (majeures) en Informatique, Electronique, MIAGE, Droit du numérique et Stratégie digitale-Management du numérique et de l'innovation. Elle délivre des doctorats avec les écoles doctorales STIC,  DESPEG et SHAL. Sur le volet scientifique, DS4H mène un programme de recherche pluridisciplinaire impliquant 13 laboratoires dans les domaines du numérique et des sciences sociales.

Forum Numerica - Dr P.Casas "AI4SEC - Enhancing Cybersecurity through AI/ML"

28 septembre 2021
Durée : 00:54:22
Nombre de vues 36
Nombre d’ajouts dans une liste de lecture 0
Nombre de favoris 0

A Forum Numerica webinar
by Dr Pedro Casas
Austrian Institute of Technology

We are losing the battle against cybercrime.
If cybercrime would be measured as a country, in 2021 it would be the third largest economy behind US and China, and cybercrime could cost more than 10 trillion USD by 2025. The cyberattack surface growth is outpacing humans’ ability to secure it.
The impressive success of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in multiple data-driven problems over the past decade has motivated a flourishing research domain targeting the application of AI/ML to cybersecurity problems - AI4SEC. However, making of AI4SEC an accepted and fruitful approach to cybersecurity in the practice is challenging.
In this presentation, I elaborate on the most important technical show-stoppers in AI4SEC, presenting an overview on the work we have been developing over the last decade on the application of AI/ML to network security to improve the state of affairs in cybersecurity.
The goal of the talk is to motivate – for the newcomers – and to strengthen – for those already in the field – the research in AI4SEC.

About the speaker:
Dr. Pedro Casas is a Senior Scientist at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, within the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (DSAI) competence unit.
He is an expert and lead researcher in AI4NETS (AI/ML for Networks), leading multiple national and international projects in network measurement and data analytics. Before joining AIT, he was Senior Researcher at the FTW Telecommunications Research Center Vienna, leading research activities in network traffic monitoring and analysis.
He holds a PhD in computer science from Télécom Bretagne (France), and a PhD in electrical engineering from Universidad de la República (Uruguay).
He has published more than 180 Networking research papers in major international conferences, journals, and workshops, received 14 best paper, best demo, best student work, and best workshop awards, and periodically participates as chair for different conferences and workshops in network measurement and analysis.
His main research areas include machine-learning based approaches for Networking, network security and anomaly detection, big data analytics and platforms, Internet network measurements, as well as QoE modeling, assessment, and monitoring.

FORUM NUMERICA is sponsored by the Academy of Excellence “Networks, Information and Digital Society” of UCAJEDI
More information here:

Mots clés : ai cybersecurite cybersecurity deep learning ds4h forum numerica ia machine learning



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